Saturday, November 27, 2010

Priest/Oracle Guide

Priest/Oracle Guide

NOTE: I play Lightside, so I’ll refer to everything by their lightside names.

HELP WANTED: With as far as I am with Priest, I cannot for the life of me remember when you learn some of the skills. So all the skills levels will be unmarked until I either figure it out, or someone can tell me what level the skill becomes available. I appreciate any and all who do come forward here.

I found it odd, that when creating my Fighter, that I would get the urge to play Priest again. I found the spell interuption something I had a lot of trouble with, and always did dig the melee classes. So when I decided to create a Priest so I wouldn’t be bored of doing the same thing, as I’d have two classes to play, I was surprised to find that I didn’t want to play Fighter again. I guess playing a Priest does that for you. Seeing no real guide for Priest, I decided to create one. Now I’m not super far in the game, and my knowledge is lacking, but I’m a firm believer that with a guide like this, you are never finished, so expect updates. Without further ado, here’s the guide!

I played healer first on Last Chaos, and if you recall, getting the heals at max level as you got them made you godly as a healer. In fact, group heal was all you needed. At least in the lower levels anyway. But as a healer in this game well, your heals aren’t godly. You don’t have a real group heal to depend on. You have to TIME your heals. Save your instant heal at ALL times. Use it if someone’s HP is falling fast and there is no other way to heal him before death. The real key to healing is knowing when to heal: before they hit half. If you let them fall below half, unless its a character with little health, you’ll spend a while bringing their health back up. By attempting to keep peoples HP full, you are essentially keeping your team at maximum potential. Useful because if you take aggro, the only heal you can have is the Instant one, which comes every 30 seconds. Also you WILL need MP potions/food. Hotkey them. If you’re wondering how to heal yourself, press F1 when you’re not in a group to target yourself and heal normally and when in a group just find your name in the party list. You can also use that trick to use Aura of Peace and Dispel on yourself obviously.

In short, save your instant, keep your party at full health when possible, and always have MP potions/food.

It’s inevitable. At some point during your time in the game, someone in your party will die while under your care. As tragic as that sounds, it should be expected. You should always do your best to keep your party members from dying, but at times, there is nothing you can do. However, once you get ressurection, you can at least bring them back.

Any time when you join a group, you should learn a little about everyone’s characters so that you can function as a team better. If you see a Fighter, for example, you may want to ask how much HP they have so you know how much of a priority they need to be placed in to keep them alive. If you see a Defender be sure to ask them how much they point into Rec. This is important because the Taunt and other skills rely on Rec to pull aggro. A low Rec defender can’t help you if you take aggro. Also tell your party what YOU’RE bringing to the table. When you have rez, this means that before you guys move, you should tell everyone not to spawn themselves after they die and to wait for you to Rez them. Take note of who the leader is and in situations where you need to choose who lives and who dies, the leader should get some consideration because party members can choose to spawn onto the party leader after death. Sometimes it’s easier for the rest of the group to spawn to the leader instead of waiting a minute after each rez for the next.

The hardest part about recovering from a huge loss of life is when more than one player bites the dust and you’re a lone Priest. In this case, you have to make judgement calls on who to Rez. As a rule, ALWAYS rez Ultimate Mode Chars first assuming you have Lev2 Ressurection, otherwise you can’t rez them, as they cannot come back otherwise. Rez other Priests/Oracles that know Rez after that or if there are no Ultimate Chars in your party or you only have Rez level 1. They can help you rez the others. If you have Ultimate Mode Chars in the party and one of the dead priests has Rez Lev 2, rez them first so they can attend to the ultimate mode characters. After that, rez the party leader so that people can spawn to the leader. See why I say get to know your party before starting whatever it is your party is doing? After that, just start rezzing away. I always rez the person that died first, (the one that has waited the longest) but it’s completely up to you. Your goal after losing a majority of your party is to get the party back to life and back to the training spot to continue what you were doing, as quickly as possible as well. Other than that, just use rez as soon as it becomes available.

When playing with another Priest and doing cleanup, communicate. Remember, the goal is to bring the party back to life as quickly as possible. Call your rez’s so that other Priests know to turn their attention elsewhere. With some solid communication, you can recover from major messes very quickly. The quicker everyone gets back, the sooner you all can go back to doing what you were doing.

Staff or Dagger?
Sure, the staff looks more like a Priest’s weapon of choice. Also, it has a higher attack than the dagger. The key here is the attacking speed. Even casting spells adheres to your weapon attack speed. Since the dagger has a speed of "Fast" it is several times more useful than the Staff. However, if you absolutely want the staff, just take it, because the attacking speed won’t be impossible to work around.

Now, what build you choose to use is ultimately up to you. However, as this is a guide for a run of the mill Priest/Oracle, and not for a special build, like a combat Priest, please understand that I will advise you on building a strong healer that will be able to solo if needed in order to level. First things first: you will need WIS to heal. As priests we don’t get the best selection of offensive skills, so I’d focus on WIS on your build. At least 3 a level. Add to INT so you can do damage as well, or go full WIS if you want the most powerful heals. Consider some REC if you want some more HP or pass it up (I did) for better heals/damage. STR and LUC are pointless stats unless you’re going melee priest, but that requires a whole new guide itself. DEX is up there with REC, but I would stay away from it. You have to keep at it to get a real benefit, while with REC you get some more HP and a straight defense boost, DEX on the other hand requires you keep putting points in it if you want to avoid attacks as you level. Do keep in mind that you may not always be able to find a party, so try to build a few points in INT so that you can go out and make a living for yourself.

Skill List:
Skill Legend
Name of Skill: Levels the skill is learned | Rating (In stars from *-*****)

Star Rating Legend:
*****: A must have skill. These skills do exactly what they’re supposed to do. Note this includes PvP skills that may not work in PvE.
****: A solid skill. You should definatly consider picking this skill up.
***: It’s not a bad choice, but, there are other choices out there. You could take it or do without.
**: These skills have one factor that ultimately limits them heavily. Alternate builds may be able to make use of these skills though.
*: These skills are completely optional or mostly unnecesary. Again, if you’re not using a standard build, check these skills, because they might work with a non-standard build.

Passive Skills:
Dagger Weapon Powerup: 5/16/? | **
It’s not the worst passive skill, but as a Priest you should be counting on your spells instead of your dagger. I wouldn’t personally take it, but if you want to have your dagger as backup, you could dump a few points in. Just make sure to take care of your other skills first, because the Priests melee skills are pretty lacking.

Mana Training: 5/16/25 | *****
More mana is ALWAYS a good thing. So definatly pick this skill up. Not much more to say really.

Relax Body: 6/15/? | ***
It’s not a required skill in the least. But I’d at least pick up the level 1 version of this skill to save a little time. Anything after that is completely optional. I’d take care of other skills first though.

Backpack Upgrade: 12/?/46 | **
It’s not a required skill as I never have a problem with inventory. But if your pack’s getting full and you don’t want to store anything in the warehouse, pick this up. I’d pass on it though.

Interpretation: 13/?/? | *
It’s really not a necesary skill at all. The exception is if you want to understand enemies in PvP. You may be hard pressed to find a conversation though, since if your opponent doesn’t have it, they won’t be able to hear you. Also at level 1 you only hear a third of the words. If you want to get it, save it until you can get it at max level all at once, or at least to level 2.

Active Skills:
Magic Ball-Arrow-Missile 1/10/20 | *****
A great first level spell. At level one it has a 1 second cast time, half a second at level 2, and at level 3 it has no cast time. Very useful especially once it gets to level 3. Damage output isn’t bad either, neither are the costs. It’s the first skill you get, and you’ll need it in order to level.

Body Protector 2/17/34 | ****
The first buff you’ll get. Only works on yourself. It’s effect is useful though, because it adds some evasion as well as some defense. Evasion means you’ll be interupted less. So definatly pick it up. And of course, a flat defense bonus is always nice.

Ice Ball-Arrow-Pole 3/14/27 | ****
Your first Water Elemental Spell. Great effect becuase it slows the target down, allowing you to hit more attacks before the target reachs you. Once you get Magic Spot though, spell interuptions aren’t as big as a problem as before, making it a little less useful. Still you’ll want to use it against the fire type enemies.

Detection: 8/23/? | *****
For PvE, this spell is useless. However, this spell wasn’t made for PvE, it was made for PvP. If a stealthed character gets near you with this active, it lowers their stealth. Perfect for group based PvP because it keeps Assassins from sneaking up onto your allies.

Dispel: ?/19/34 | *****
This handy spell cancels negative status effects on your allies. Simply target the player and use it and their problems are gone… to an extent. The higher level this spell is, the more status effects it can cure. Very handy for mobs that love to use negative status effects, since some can last for 3 minutes or more.

Magic Spot: ?/24/34 | *****
A very effective spell. It’s got killer damage and has NO cast or Recharge time. It offsets those by having a high cost though, so either choose carefully or carry lots of pots and food.

Stamina Leak: 16/?/? | **
This skill requires you to be up close to use it. On the plus side, it sacks a LOT of SP. But it’s success rate is pretty low and you have to put yourself in harms way to use it. Also it’s only useful in PvP so only take it if you plan to go to the battlegrounds, and even then I’d pass it up for other skills.

Healing: 2/11/26 | *****
This is the skill you’ll get to know really well if you do a lot of grouping. It has a 2 second cast time and no recharge time, and it’s your most important healing skill. It heals based on your WIS score so keep that high. It’s required if you want to be in a group, so get it.

Magic Protector: 4/17/30 | ****
I haven’t used this much but it’s from my understanding a very solid skill. It lasts for a short amount of time but it nullifies magic attacks completely. It will cancel after so many attacks, 1-2 at level 1, but it’s great for PvP if you can forsee an attack. On the other hand, it appears to be a self buff, and if you use a mostly WIS build you won’t take much from magic anyway. Doesn’t mean it isn’t helpful though.

Instant Heal: 6/27/54 | *****
Mostly the same as your primary heal except for one difference: This spell has no cast time and a recharge time of 30 seconds. Use it as a backup heal. You can also use it to heal yourself while fighting to keep yourself alive soloing.

Hail Storm: ?/23/33 | ****
A water AoE attack. It does great damage to multiple targets, but it has a slow recharge time. Great for helping Mages AoE though.

Mana Slug: 13/?/? | ***
I haven’t tested this skill out either, but from my understanding, it allows you to absorb an opponent’s mana with a successful hit. Again, the success rate is lowered so it’s not a sure thing. Also you have to be close up to use it. Pass it up if you’re not going to PvP a lot though.

Healing Fall: ?/30/? | ****
This spell will heal all your allies over time for a total of around 180 HP. That doesn’t sound like much, but if your team isn’t taking a lot of damage you could throw this down and help nuke if you wanted or use it to help if you’re the only healer in a 7 member group. It’s not the worst spell you could get, but it’s not the best either. You could probably ignore this and still be able to heal your team though, but it’s very helpful at the same time. Also take note that this spell heals a fixed amount of HP, and your total WIS score does not affect this.

Blizzard: ?/31/41 | *****
An AoE attack with no recharge time. The animation looks very nice as well. Not a bad spell at all. Haven’t used it enough to have a real opinion on it so get it at your own risk.

Elemental Shock: 28/49/? | ****
A non elemental AoE attack that does nice damage. As I’ve never used this skill right now there’s not much to say about it, but from the looks of it, it looks like a very nice skill.

Frozen Ice: 30/?/? | ***
It’s a water AoE that casts around yourself rather than a target. It deals a lot of damage and freezes everyone for 3 seconds, so it sounds great. The only downside is that it takes 3 seconds to cast. This would mean you would have to time it perfectly and it wouldn’t be able to do what would make it the most useful, which would be to cast it when you have several enemies surrounding you. The cast time really affects it in a negative way.

Aura of Peace: 7/24/35 | *****
200 more HP at level 1 is always helpful. Especially while soloing. It’s a must have. Since it’s a buff, parties will love the extra boost too.

Ressurection: 10/31/56 | *****
Being able to Rez dead allies is a very useful skill, one that people will really appreciate. It has a 1 minute recharge time and a 10 second cast rate at level 1, but those go down as the spell levels up. Also, level 2 Ressurection is needed to ressurect Ultimate Mode Chars. It’s another must for PvP.

Prayer: ?/25/40 | *****
Very nice team buff. Increases STR, REC, and WIS by 8/20/40, depending on level. Because of the WIS it actually helps you heal as well, and with the REC it helps your allies take less damage.

Evolution: 15/35/? | ***
This spell will transform an ally into a ferocious beast (ok at level 1 it’s a fox but I hear they keep getting better as it levels up, one can only hope). Even at first level there is a very noticeable attack increase. However you cannot use skills while transformed, so it’s a bit of a tradeoff. Make sure you let someone know if you’re going to transform them and get thier permission first. Some people depend on skills so this could hurt their fighting. It doesn’t last very long and has a long recharge time, so it’s nothing to depend on either.

Hynosis: 16/?/? | *****
First off, originally I viewed this spell not as good as it was. I’ve gotten good positive feedback, so I’ll review it again. First of all… 8 second stun at level 1. Not bad. 15 second stun for level 2. That’s…. amazing. 80% success rate, again, not bad. It’s great for both PvE or PvP. Still, I don’t think it’s a "must have" skill unless of course you play an offensive Priest. And if you do, you better pick this up. On the other hand, I still think any kind of Priest could pick this up, healing or combat, and still make excellent use out of it. Use your own judgement.

Potential Motive: 17/29/? | ****
Very nice skill. It activates when you reach a certain level of HP (below 10% at first level) and stays active for 30 seconds, then cycles every minute you’re at that level of HP needed. When you reach a certain % of HP (10% at level 1) it takes away the recharge timer on spells with reharge less than 300 seconds last I checked. Can’t argue against an effect like that.

Diversion: ?/37/? | ***
As Priests generally you don’t use a lot of SP, so being able to sack all of it for a select amount of MP is very nice. Especially if you only have 200 max SP where you’d sack 200 SP to get more than three times that amount. It’s got a 10 minute recharge time though, which really really hurts this as a skill.

Health Assistant: 18/?/? | *****
Lets you take SP/MP as damage instead of HP. Not sure about which it is, I think it’s SP though. It helps you stay alive longer so there’s not much else to say.

Degeneration: 20/?/? | *****
Keeps an opponent from attacking for a limited amount of time by transforming them into harmless creatures. It’s useless in PvE as it has no effect, but in PvP, it does exactly what it’s supposed to do.

Magic Mirror: 22/?/? | *****
Reflect all magic attacks back to an opponent? For a limited amount of time? Sign me up! I shouldn’t have to explain how useful this would be. It works in PvE, but enemies don’t use a lot of magic so get this for PvP. Beware though, 7 skill points at level 1. Just one more way for us to be the anti-Pagan/Mage.

Recovery: 31/41/51 | *****
Looks like one killer skill on paper. Heals massive amounts of health, with a slighter shorter cast time than Healing. It has a recharge time though, so it’s almost like your instant heal. Having this will definatly be a great addition to keep your team alive.

Healing Prayer: 37/47/? | ****
This seems to be your next tier up in healing spells. No recharge, a bit longer cast time, and a bit high MP costs. It seems like it would have its uses, but since I’ve never used it, I can’t really say. Take at your own risk.

Surge Choir: 38/48 | *
An interesting spell at first glance. It does massive damage, but with a long cast time (Four seconds at level 1!) and a HUGE cost (900 and 1200) I don’t see any point in it. I could probably make that much in damage spamming Magic Spot in the time it would take me to cast this spell once. Also, it has a 300 second recharge time. That is 5 minutes. I really can’t see why it would be worth picking up.
Credits go to johnnyrockshard for putting this together!

View the original article here

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