Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Class Guide Part 2 (Elfs). Choose what suits you. (light)

Ranger, The ranger is an agile, chain skill ripper. A rangers job is to Kill without being hit. Rangers specialize in "chain" abilities allowing them to execute powerful skills if the prerequisite skill was used seconds prior. Rangers are also the only class that can turn completely invisible to the UoF and disguise as them. As for non Pvp rangers are solo trainers for the most part as they primarily deal damage to one mob at a time, making you very unwanted and outcast in the grinding world. Rangers gain 1 DEX per level

Archer, Archers are very renowned for their high critical hit rate and poisons. Although most archers do not have a very high strength, they make up for it in their poison damage per second. By level 15 archers have over 3 poison shot skills that all together can rip down the health of almost anything in a matter of seconds. In later levels archers will have the highest critical hit rate making them Deadly in pvp and semi-useful in grinding. Archers can use Bows, Crossbows, and 1 handed swords. Archers gain +1 Luc per level

Mage , Mage class features a whole variety of skills. Skills that can put people to sleep, Kill people after a number of minutes, and Skills in 3/4 of the elements. Mages attacks can be Direct, AoE, and defensive. Mages use Daggers, Wands, and staffs. Mages are not usually searched for in a party but are never excluded from a fight. Mages can make excellent Tanks for dungeons as well as goo 1v1 and pvp. Mages rely on Mana (# of mana is decided by WIS) so mages usually throw in Wisdom into their build as well as primarily Intelligence. Mages gain +1 INT per level

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