Map 2 Willieoseu
a) Name of quest
b) Name of quest giver and location
c) Goal of the quest (according to quest info)
d) Location and actual name of mob (if differs from quest info)
e) Who to return quest to and reward
1) Stonehammer Dwarf (1) (unlocks quest #6)
Duster, at Haldeck Farm
Collect 10 Dwarf Weapons from Dwarf Defense Guards
StoneHammer Vill, S of Haldeck Farm
Return 30 to Duster: 6000 exp, 25080 gold
2) Drunca’s Trip Preparation
Drunca, at Haldeck Farm
Collect 5 Horns of Antelope from Fedion Antelopes
West of Haldeck Farm in the small chain of lakes
Return 15 to Drunca: 4200 exp, 15050 gold
3) Crom Stonehammer
Farin Silverhawk at Haldeck Farm
Collect Plans of StoneHammer from Crom Stonehammer
StoneHammer Vill, very back of the mine (stick to the left on entering and keep going), kill dwarf called Crome StoneHammer, mine entrance is at E end of Vill
Return 1 plan to Farin Silverhawk: 9200 exp, 33000 gold
4) Grape Thief (unlocks quest #5)
Claret at Haldeck Farm
Kill 10 Fedion Thief Monkey
Haldeck Farm
Return quest to Claret: 3710 exp, 13860 Shaiya gold
5) Whining for Wine (unlocked by doing quest #4)
Claret at Haldeck Farm
Collect Wine of Claret from Brud
StoneHammer Vill, far east side, kill dwarf called Drinker Brud
Return 1 to Claret: 8300 exp, 31020 gold
6) Stonehammer Dwarf (2) (unlocked by doing quest #1, unlocks quest #7)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Kill 5 StoneHammer Dwarf Miners and 5 StoneHammer Dwarf Skilled Masters
Stonehammer Vill, inside the mine, entrance is at E side
Return to Duster: 6700 exp, 27060 gold
7) How Are You, Agatha (unlocked by doing quest #6, unlocks quest #8)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Deliver letter to Agatha in Arktius Village
Agatha Hill is the warehouse keeper at Arktius Village
Deliver note to Agatha: 380 exp, 1600 gold
Agatha’s Errand (unlocked by doing quest #7)
Agatha Hill at Arktius Village
Deliver box of fruits to Vanessa in Arktius Village
Deliver box to Vanessa: 380 exp, 1600 gold
9) Suspicious Rumor (unlocks quest #10)
Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Duster at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Duster: 300 exp
10) The Secret Being Revealed (1) (unlocked by doing quest #9, unlocks quest #11)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Kill 5 Fedion Angry Nose Wild Boars
Haldeck Farm
Return to Duster: 3710 exp, 13860 gold
11) The Secret Being Revealed (2) (unlocked by doing quest #10, unlocks quest #12)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Drunca: 300 exp
12) Another Secret (1) (unlocked by doing quest #11, unlocks quest #13)
Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Deliver letter to Daisy at Haldeck Farm, north side
Deliver letter to Daisy: 300 exp, 1400 gold
13) Another Secret (2) (unlocked by doing quest #12, unlocks quest #14)
Daisy at Haldeck Farm
Take letter and portrait to Arktius Village and talk to someone who knew her
Talk to Tbon Sheldon, accessory merchant, in Arktius Village
Talk to Tbon: 300 exp, 1400 gold
14) Another Secret (3) (unlocked by doing quest #13, unlocks quest #15)
Tbon Sheldon at Arktius Village
Talk to Daisy at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Daisy: 300 exp, 1400 gold
15) Another Secret (4) (unlocked by doing quest #14)
Daisy at Haldeck Farm
Deliver letter to Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Deliver to Drunca: 8400 exp, 30100 gold, Engagement Ring (lvl 25 ring, STR +3, REC +3)
16) Water Analysis (1) (unlocks quest #17)
Nell Watersaga, on the W road from Haldeck Farm
Collect Ear of Madfisher by killing Madfisher
Small lake SW of Haldeck Farm, Madfisher is a sealakel that is usually on the north hill of that lake, in amongst the trees
Return 1 to Nell Watersaga: 5810 exp, 18610 gold
17) Water Analysis (2) (unlocked by doing quest #16, unlocks quest #18)
Nell Watersaga, on the W road from Haldeck Farm
Collect Fur of Madhorn by killing Madhorn
W of Haldeck Farm, usually in the NE corner of the chain of lakes surrounded by mountains, Madhorn is an antelope
Return 1 to Nell Watersaga: 6440 exp, 19800 gold
18) Water Analysis (3) (unlocked by doing quest #17)
Nell Watersaga, on the W road from Haldeck Farm
Collect Feathers of Harpie by killing MadWing
Donut shaped lake S of Fedion (Sairefons/Saierfons Lake), W end of lake, MadWing is a harpy
Return 1 to Nell Watersaga: 7070 exp, 20990 gold
19) A Recluse
Gawain Primer, on road W of Haldeck Farm
Talk to Creath Question
Creath Queston is outside of Fedion dungeon
Talk to Creath: 380 exp
20) The Path of Dignity (1)
Creath Queston, outside of Fedion
Kill Bacaras
The wyvern Bacaras is at the Maelstorm Coast, on the beach just S of Arktius Village
Return to Creath: 3000 exp, Marshal Pride (2 handed sword, glows blue because it’s epic ? , STR +20, REC +5)
21) Creath’s Theory (unlocks quest #22)
Creath Queston, outside Fedion
Collect 7 Congealed Magic Stones from Crazy Crying Gargoyle
Crazy Crying Gargoyles are on the road going S from Fedion
Return 21 to Creath: 5810 exp, 18610 gold
22) Failed Experiment (1) (unlocked by quest #21, unlocks quest #23)
Catherine Parker, crossroads S of Fedion
Kill 15 Crazy Crying Gargoyles
On the road going S from Fedion
Return to Catherine: 16750 exp, 27060 gold
23) Failed Experiment (2) (unlocked by quest #22, unlocks quest #24)
Creath Queston, outside Fedion
Collect 5 Burned Magic Stones from Question Familiars (I thought it was a very slow drop rate!)
On the road going S from Fedion
Return 15 to Creath: 16750 exp, 27060 gold
24) Failed Experiment (3) (unlocked by quest #23, unlocks quest #25)
Creath Queston, outside Fedion
Take Burned Magic Stones to Lana Fairwind in Deities Religion
Deities Religion area in Apulune, NW area
Talk to Lana: 748 exp, 1500 gold
25) Failed Experiment (4) (unlocked by quest #24)
Lana Fairwind in Deities Religious area of Apulune
Deliver Congealed Magic Stone to Creath Question
Creath Queston outside Fedion: 748 exp, 1500 gold
26) A Letter of Claude (unlocks quest #44)
Claude at Arktius Village
Deliver letter to Craig at seashore merchant
Take road S of Arktius Village, small area between mountains, W of small tent on map
Talk to Eh Teeyehn, weapon merchant: 600 exp, 2100 gold
27) Doltin’s New Technique
Doltin Coper, Blacksmith, Arktius Village
Deliver 30 Spirit Coars
Spirit cores drop most from Swordtail Sealakels S of Arktius Village, RockShovel Goblins E of seaside market, and pirates at White Sands Harbor
Deliver 30 to Doltin: Fighter/Defender Reward: 15000 exp, Mirage Helmet (lvl 30)
28) The Village That Became Silent (unlocks quest #29)
Vanessa at Arktius Village
Talk to Claude at Arktius Village : 380 exp
29) Wyverns, Eggs, and the Water’s Edge (unlocked by quest #28)
Claude at Arktius Village
Collect 5 Eggs of Wyvern from Maelstorm Wyvern
Maelstorm Coast, beach just S of Arktius Village
Deliver 15 Eggs to Claude: 7500 exp, 29040 gold
30) Kind Matilda (two choices)
Adam at Arktius Village
Find Matilda and give her a message
Talk to Martilda at seashore market, on road S of Arktius Village, W of small tent on map
a) Keep promise:
b) Do the favor: 510 exp, 1800 gold
30) a) ?
30) b) Matilda’s Favor
Collect 3 Livers of Leopard from Willierseu Leopard
E of seashore market
Return 9 to Martilda: 12880 exp, 39600 gold
31) Wilon’s Liquor (1) (unlocks quest #32)
Wilon at Arktius Village
Talk to Adam at Arktius Village : 460 exp, 1800 gold
32) Wilon’s Liquor (2) (unlocked by quest #31, unlocks quest #33)
Adam at Arktius Village
Collect 3 Tears of Beholder from Saierfons Watcher
In donut shaped lake S of Fedion
Return 7 to Adam: 9200 exp, 33000 gold
33) Wilon’s Liquor (3) (unlocked by quest #32)
Adam at Arktius Village
Deliver Lajarr to Wilon at Arktius Village
Deliver it: 510 exp, 1800 gold
34) Interrupter Sealakels (1) (unlocks quest #35)
Bonito at Arktius Village
Kill 5 Swordtail Sealakel Fighters
Maelstorm Coast, beach S of Arktius Village
Return to Bonito: 9200 exp, 33000 gold
35) Interrupter Sealakels (2) (unlocked by quest #34, unlocks quest #36)
Bonito at Arktius Village
Kill 5 Swordtail Sealakel Disorderlies
Maelstorm Coast, beach S of Arktius Village
Return to Bonito: 10100 exp, 34980 gold
36) Treacherous Elder Dempnun
Bonito at Arktius Village
Kill Elder Dempnun
Maelstorm Coast, beach S of Arktius Village, Priest Dempnun is in the center of other sealakels usually
Return to Bonito: 15400 exp, 44750 gold
37) Uncomfortable Relationship (1) (unlocks quest #38) This quest is a little buggy!
Sake at Arktius Village
Buy medicine from Rochen
Talk to Rochen Sheldon, liquid medicine merchant at Arktius Village: 420 exp
38) Uncomfortable Relationship (2) (unlocked by quest #37) This quest is a little buggy!
Rochen at Arktius Village
Deliver medicine to Salmon
You must click on Rochen and trade with her, buy Medicine of Rochen (first page of items, second line, third item) – this will not actually cost you anything!
Then go and talk to Sake: 420 exp, 1700 gold , (Shaiya power leveling at our website.)
39) Vidarr’s Favor (this is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you like)
Pagan Vidarr at Arktius Village
Deliver 2 Essence of Witch
Essence of Witch drops most from Stonehammer Dwarves and Fedion Leopardesses around Haldeck Farm
Deliver 2 : Apostel’s Ability Lvl. 1– a lvl. 21, non-tradable, non-stackable pot that give INT +3, WIS +3 for 10 mins (you can put it in your WH for other characters, but must be lvl 21 to use it) Effects gone if you die.
40) Kvasir’s Favor (this is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you like)
Warrior Kvasir at Arktius Vilalge
Deliver 2 Thin Meats
Thin Meats drop most from Willierseu Leopards and Monkeys S of Arktius Village
Deliver 2: Ritter’s Power Lvl. 1 – a lvl.21, non-tradable, non-stackable pot that give STR +3, REC +3 for 10 mins (you can put it in your WH for other characters, but must be lvl 21 to use it)
Effects gone if you die
41) Embla’s Favor (this is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you like)
Assasin Embla at Arktius Village
Deliver 2 Broken Coars
Broken Cores drop most from Swordtail Sealakels S of Arktius Village and RockShovel Goblins E of seaside market
Deliver 2: Heily’s Competence Lvl.1 – a lvl 21, non-tradable, non-stackable pot that gives DEX +3, LUC +3 for 10 mins (you can put it in your WH for other characters, but must be lvl 21 to use it)
Effects gone if you die
42) Suspicious Request (unlocks quest #43)
Strange Sign on road S of Arktius Village
Find Oten in Arktius Village
a) I’m single too = 420 exp
b) I’m happy = ?
42) a)Matchmaking (3 choices)
Oten at Arktius Village
Talk to Oten and choose one:
i) Kind woman = ?
ii) Glamorous woman = 420 exp
iii) Healthy woman = ?
43) a) i) ?
43) a) ii) Glamorous Rotico
Deliver letter to Rotico in Arktius Village: 420 exp, 1700 gold
Manly Oten?
Talk to Oten in Arktius Village: 5810 exp, 18610 gold
Treasured Present
Collect 5 Eyes of Sealakel from Swordtail Sealakel Wizards
Kill Swordtail Sealakel Shamans at Maelstorm Coast, on beach S of Arktius Village
Return 15 to Rotico in Arktius Village: 7070 exp, 20990 gold
Sexy Oten?
Deliver Letter to Oten in Arktius Village: 460 exp, 1800 gold Happy Ending!
43) a) iii) ?
44) i)Blackbeard Clan Sweeping (1)
Eh Teeheyn at seaside market
Kill 10 Blackbeard Fighters
Around lighthouse at White Sand Harbor, Blackbeard Fighter goblins
Return to Eh: 16200 exp, 46860 gold
44) ii) Blackbeard Clan Sweeping (2)
Eh Teeheyn at seaside market
Kill Kuluny, Jepito, and Greed
White Sand Harbor: Chief Mate Clooney, pirate – S end among other pirates
Carpenter Jepito, dwarf – among the market stalls close to the beach
Steersman Greed, sealakel – SW corner, between beach and lighthouse
Return to Eh: Kuluney Compass – lvl 34 amulet (LUC +8, 20 resistance) (I presume experience and gold are the same as for Baton, thank you peppill)
Jepito Hammer – dex 1 handed heavy weapon?
Baton of Greed – 31460 exp, 68900 gold, Bastion of Greed (dual sword for fighters, lvl 35, STR +16)
45) Bully Goblins (1) (unlocks quest #46)
Arnold Quick at seaside market
Kill 5 RockShovel Goblin Butchers
E of seaside market
Return to Arnold: 11000 exp, 37290 gold
46) Bully Goblins (2) (unlocked by quest #45, unlocks quest #47)
Arnold Quick at seaside market
Kill 3 RockShovel Goblin Bodyguards and 1 RockShovel Goblin Subboss/RockShovel Goblin Leader
E of seaside market
Return to Arnold: 12000 exp, 39600 gold
47) Goblin Boss Kerlak
Arnold Quick at seaside market
Kill Kerlak and bring back his head
E of seaside market, E side of camp
Return 1 head to Arnold: 18620 exp, 50290 gold, Radicion Ring (lvl.30 ring, DEX+3, LUC+3)
48)Treasure of Pirate Clan
Martilda at seaside market
Collect Shining Ruby from treasure box at White Sand Harbor
“Kill” Blackbeard Treasure Box at shoreline/market stalls at White Sand Harbor
Return 3 to Martilda: 14700 exp, 44220 gold
49) i) Homecoming
Aiden at seaside market
Find fiancée of Aiden
Beacon N of White Sand Harbor, S side, ghost Fiancee of Aiden
Talk to her: 810 exp
49) ii) Broken Promise
Deliver Engagment Ring to Aiden at Seaside Market
Talk to him: 810 exp, 2400 gold
49) iii) Revenge!!
Kill Mean Sneaky and bring Head of Sneaky to Aiden in seaside market
Mean Sneaky, goblin, is at White Sand Harbor, S end of vill
Return 1 head to Aiden: 20900 exp, 54780 gold
50) Extravagant Antique
Kirby at seaside market
Collect 5 (minimum) Antique Jars from RockShovel Goblin Diggers
E of seaside market
Return 15 to Kirby: 14140 exp, 41980 gold
51) Appraisal Request (1) (unlocked by quest #50, unlocks quest #52)
Kirby at seaside market
Take jars to Carlo Onell at seaside market: 510 exp, 1800 gold
52) Appraisal Request (2) (unlocked by quest #51)
Carlo Onell at seaside market
Talk to Kirby at seaside market: 510 exp, 1800 gold
53) i) Frost Woods Purification
Nerdin, at beacon tower N of White Sand Harbor, E side
Kill 5 Frost Woods Killers
On the road under Willierseu Central Beacon Mound name on map, they look the same as Frost Woods Looters (names are different though)
Return to Nerdin: 16200 exp, 46860 gold
53) ii) Woods of Oblivion
Collect 3 Bloody Bones from Frost Woods Zombies
On the road under Willierseu Central Beacon Mound name on map
54) i) Poor Souls
Fiancee of Aiden, at beacon tower N of White Sand Harbor
Kill 3 White Sand Resident Corpses and 3 White Sand Gloogy Girls
E of White Sand Harbor lighthouse
Return to Fiancee of Aiden: 17700 exp, 49500 gold
54) ii)Existing Eating Soul – Timed Quest, 60 mins
Collect at least 5 Detained Spirits from Sould Extortor
Return 17 to Fiancee of Aiden: 19300 exp, 52140 gold
54) iii) Please give this to Lindellea
Deliver to Lindellea in Silvaren: 890 exp, 2600 gold
Level 34 Quests:
55) The Wanted List! Subcaptain Turbako
From the wanted sign at the seaside market
Bring head of Turbako to Claude at Arktius Village
The dwarf Subcaptain Turbako is at White Sand Harbor, mid-village, close to Mean Sneaky
Return 1 head to Claude: 29260 exp, 65740 gold
56) Glowing Feather (glitched quest)
Roader, accessory merchant at Willierseu Central Beacon Mound
Collect 1 Glowing Feather of Harpy from Wilierseu Harpy Illusionists
SE of the beacon, slow drop rate
Return 3 to Roader: click in the area you normally have a choice of rewards (it looks blank), 29260 exp, 65740 gold. Clicking at the top, 1st reward gave the following quest:
56) a)The Offense is the Best Defense (1)
Deliver letter to Andantea in Silvaren
Andantea Uska, protection merchant: 890 exp, 2600 gold
56) b)The Offense is the Best Defense (2)
Collect 5 Durable Leathers from Wilierseu Canine Wolf
Willerseu Canine wolf are ½ way between Elaste Valley and the Elemental Cave
Return 15 to Andantae: Fighter/Defender reward: 19300 exp, 52140 gold, Heroic Sylma Gauntlet
Mage/Priest: Heroic Wilarin Gauntlet (presume gold and experience is the same as above, thank you peppill)
Archer/Ranger: ?
57) i) Vecernya’s Favor
Vecernya at Willierseu Central Beacon Mound
Talk to Basaltes at Elaste Valley
Talk to Basaltes: 970 exp, 2700 gold
57) ii) Lordrock Elimination
Kill Lordrock and 2 Lordrock Guardians
Lordrock golem and Lordrock guardian gargoyles are at the N end of Elaste Valley
Return to Basaltes: 34020 exp, 72070 gold
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