Shaiya Keyboard Shortcuts:
k: abilities menu
this is where you lvl up your abilities
b: pose/action menu
contains your poses (which are quite humorous) and actions such as attack closest enemy and pick up item
1~0: Use ability/item/pose
in the quickslot Drag abilities from your abilities menu to the quick slot and press the respective number to use ability. This works for inventory items as well (such as potions) and a particularly useful "ability" is the "pick up" action found in the "b" menu
Using two quickslots at once: After clicking the "+" on the quickslot, a second one will appear. These are controlled by the number pad. *Thanks to Althamus*
-/+: switch between your different quickslots
(Note:I don’t know if this is just for me, but the -/+ on my main keyboard cycle quickslots while the ones on the number pad toggles double quickslots)
"shift" + [1~5]: Switch to that particular quickslot *thanks to tai_hen*
t: status menu
this is where you can see all of your stats from health to mana to INT and REC and the number of kills/deaths you have in PvP. Click the bar on the left side of this menu to use stat points
g: guilds menu
the first thing you will see is a list of people in the same guild as you. If you dont belong to a guild, you won’t see anything! Click the side tabs to go into the respective lists (friends, parties, etc.)
v: toggle minimap
now you see it, now you don’t!
p: toggle quick slots
i: inventory
u: quest display
going into this menu and then click on one of your quests will also bring up the quest progress dialog box which tells you of your progress in your current quests
(note: quests displayed in green or have a green dot next to them means ongoing/incomplete, yellow means complete, just return the quest)
h: toggle character coordinates
your character’s coordinate is displayed in the upper left hand corner of the screen
m: toggle full map
F1~F7: Auto target party members (since parties are limited to a max of 7 members)
When you are by yourself, F1 auto selects your character. When in a party, the F-keys select the member of the party that is listed at that particular spot (i.e. F3 would select the third person listed on the party list)
F10: Changes between first and third person views
F11: Toggles HUD
F12 (same as the Prt Scr/Sys Rq key on US keyboards): Screenshot
"~" or "¬" (depending on keyboard): Select nearest enemy (Repeated presses will select the next closest enemy) *thanks to Althamus*
o: options menu
Make Shaiya work for you!
"ESC": exit game menu
Brings up a box with a bunch of options (don’t remember which ones ) but the main point of going here is to exit the game.
"tab": switch between walk and run
why would you ever walk??
q: walk to the left of the direction your character is currently facing
double tap for cartwheel to the left
w: hold to walk/run, double tap to continuously walk/run in the direction the camera is pointing
you can navigate this way by double tapping and then changing the camera angle to match the direction you want to go.
e: walk to the right of the direction your character is currently facing
double tap for cartwheel to the right
s: walk backwards
double tap to back flip
a: rotates character to the left
d: rotates character to the right
"space": jump
left/right arrows: rotates camera respective to the arrow
type "/return" or "/town" in NORMAL chat to reset to the nearest town. You should probably look at the map to make sure the nearest town is the town that you actually want to go to.
"Enter": previous chosen chat channel
"Shift"+"Enter": Trade Chat
"Ctrl"+"Enter": Party Chat
"Alt"+"Enter": Guild Chat
"Shift"+ z ("Shift+ y on non-US keyboards):Whisper
Corrections and Additions thanks to:
Credits go to xymphony for putting this together!
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