A Complete Guide to Being a Healer
A lot of people in game ask me Healer related questions, so I decided to try to answer them here. **Everything I say here is my own personal opinion, you do not have to agree with me, these are simply guide lines.** I’m am trying to give good advice that will help you create a character that from lvl 1-60 won’t need a restat or a reskill.
*Help I’m starting a Normal Mode healer, where should I put my stat points and what kind of gear should I get?
On a normal mode character, I would go full wis, no exceptions, 5 wis per lvl!
If you decide to create a different kind of healer then be prepared for
Normal mode healers are really no use in serious pvp, they die too fast. If they add a lot of rec, they may live longer but they won’t be able to heal for a useful amount of HP, making it harder for them to be useful in pve parties.
Do NOT add int, it is a waist of stat points and can easily be added to gear, if needed!
If you go full wis on normal mode, then your healer will actually be useful later on, for boss killing and other pve situations.
At low lvls a healer can get decent starter gear from doing quests and I’d advise putting int lapis in that gear. It will help them solo grind a little, till they can get to a high enough lvl to the point when parties become available; it’s a lot easier with the extra int. The best piece of armor you get at low lvl, is a lvl 25 heroic chest piece, most likely the rest of your gear will be noble, worship or just plain npc gear.
From now on, you should try getting heroic or dread equipment. Easiest pieces of armor to get are lvl 43-46 heroics and lvl 29, 45, 46, 50 dreads. You can put 1 int, 1 rec and 1 wis lapis in most pieces of gear. Your torso should have 1 int, 1 mana and either 1 forbid or 1 hp lapis in it. You will probably find that this gear is good enough for you to continue with.
If you find it hard to get these equips, then just use plain NPC gear, till you can afford better.
Later on, if you decide to re-equip your healer with better gear. I would try to get a dread set of gear. You should know by then what kind of lapis you want to put in it, depending on how you use your normal mode healer and your budget. The main lapis you should focus on, are wis and rec, letting you heal more and survive better. So if for instance you’re healing someone for the Astaroth quest, you won’t get instantly killed by his AoE attack, you will have time to pot and you’ll heal your party member enough for him to survive the beating from Astaroth.
I see normal mode as a stepping stone to hard mode and if you plan on making a hard mode healer, or an ultimate mode healer, then I strongly advise you not to make a normal mode healer; as it will become useless, once you move on to the next playing mode.
*I finally started Hard Mode and I decided to make a healer, can you help me?
Welcome to hard mode, you can now enjoy pvp and start making different unique character builds!
Now you should decide what kind of healer you would like to make.
I do not personally support Battle/offensive Healers, they can be an interesting class to play but I find them to be weak, so I’m going to skip that.
PvE healer:
I wouldn’t personally bother making a hard mode healer for pure pve but here a a few builds that should work good in parties and solo:
5 wis + 2 rec, is a good build for whatever kind of healer you’re planning on making. In pve, you’ll like this build because you won’t be dying to mobs and you’ll still heal plenty to keep your party alive. This is a good pvp build and a good pve build.
4 wis + 1 rec + 2 int, this is a nice build for a pve healer who sometimes likes to solo mobs. The wis is enough for you to keep most parties alive and the int will make killing mobs much faster. It’s a hybrid and I don’t really like this type of build but it’s nice for the solo pve healer. You have no real strong points but you can do a little of everything.
6 wis + 1 rec, this is probably the best support pve healer. You have a little extra defense and health, so mobs don’t kill you and you’re going to heal more than enough to keep any party happy with your heals. Not gonna be fun soloing on this kind of healer though.
PvP Healer:
Now for my favorite type of healer, a pvp healer. I find this build to be most effective. If you’ve experimented with different pvp builds for hard mode healers, please share your experience.
4 wis + 3 rec, you may argue as much as you want but I find this to be the best healer for pvp. You are basically designed to keep your party alive, while staying alive yourself. This is a party healer, not very effective solo.
In pvp, it’s not so much about how much you heal for but about keeping your party alive long enough for them to kill the enemy, while staying alive yourself.
A dead healer is a useless healer!
In pvp, a smart party will target healers first and if you can’t survive long enough for your party to kill anyone trying to kill you, then you’re useless.
You need to be carful of people who when all nostrumed up, can kill you before you see them coming. It’s possible to get killed with 1 skill hit, by a lvl 57+ um warrior. Health assist can save you but I find it best to only resort to that at the last possible moment.
If your party engages a powerful enemy and you die instantly, then the rest of your party is likely to die as well and you have not contributed anything to the fight.
In pvp you should NOT be attacking your enemy!
Your party needs you to keep them alive while they do the killing. If you are being attacked and cant’ heal, run to your party for help. There are still spells that you can cast, to help yourself and to help your party, even if you are being attacked and can not cast regular heals. If your enemy realizes that you’re not going to die as easy as they thought, they they’ll probably try to kill other members of your party.
So what you should do instead of attacking your enemy, is heal, dispel your party, stay alive and occasionally debuff your enemy, if needed.
I’m not referring to situations where your party is much stronger than your enemies. You can run around dancing, for all I care, if your party doesn’t need you.
I don’t think I need to remind you to ALWAYS keep your party buffed, your buffs are one of the most useful things about healers!
On hard mode, you get a dread armor set for lvl 29-32, use it till you can afford to make better dreads or legends. Good lapis to put in your gear would be rec, wis, hp, def and mp lapis, even some int is ok, if you can spare the slots.
*Ultimate Healers:
If you’ve gotten to ultimate mode, I don’t think you need much help from me, you can use the rest of my guide as a guideline for your ultimate mode healer. Simply add 2 more stat points into consideration; I would personally add them to rec.
The new ultimate skills that I know about are a self instant heal and a godly buff. You get the instant heal at a low lvl and the buff at lvl 60. When I know more about ultimate healers, I will tell you more.
Maybe an ultimate healer would like to share some knowledge?
*Passive skills:
-Dagger Weapon Power Up-
Adds 20 attack power while equipping daggers, at lvl 3.
Not a bad skill but not the best skill. Basically it will increase your dmg output, while equipping a dagger and the skill point cost isn’t too steep.
-Mana Training-
Adds 448 mana, at lvl 3.
Not much to say about this skill, it adds some mana and that’s always nice but it’s not really a lot of mana, so I would only get this skill on hard mode. You’ll probably need the skill points for more useful skills, if you’re normal mode.
-Relax Body-
Regenerates hp, mp and sp by 8% every 3 seconds while character is sitting, at lvl 3.
You simply must get this skill and max it!
-Backpack Upgrade-
Adds a more inventory space to your backpack, an extra 24 slots per lvl.
I personally love this skill and wouldn’t dream of not maxing it but if you’d rather spend your skill points els ware, be my guest.
At lvl 3, lets you understand everything your opposing side say.
Yet another skill that you don’t need but I personally can’t live without. I would skip it on normal mode, since you won’t be pvping much, if at all but on HM I wouldn’t pass up on this skill. I love this skill, if you got the points to spare, max it!
*Basic Skills:
-Magic Missile-
At lvl 3, it’s is an instant cast, meaning you can not get interrupted and it damages your target for 118 + your magic damage.
Not really much to add, max this skill, you’ll be using it all the time.
-Body Protector-
Adds 47 physical defense and 7% physical evasion from attacks, at lvl 3.
You need this skill, it will save your life time and time again.
-Ice Pole-
Deals 175 damage + magic attack power, slows target for 7 seconds and has 1.5 cast time, at lvl 3.
Some people don’t like this skill, I didn’t like it at first either. It’s not much use in pve but in pvp it can be very useful to slow down your target, either to help you run away or to help your party catch a fleeing enemy. Not worth getting in normal mode but in hard mode you may consider getting at least lvl 1 version of this skill.
Lets you detect a character in stealth, 30 meter range, at lvl 3.
Very useful pvp skill, for killing those evil assassins/rangers who tryt o either get away or sneak up on you. I would not bother getting this skill on normal mode, since you won’t be pvping but on hard mode I’d get at least lvl 1 version of this skill.
Clears all negative effects on selected character, at lvl 3.
This and healing is what a healer is all about, you must get this skill and you must max it, no questions asked!
-Magic Spot-
Instant cast attack spell that deals 343 damage, at lvl 3.
This will most likely be your main attack, if you’re killing mobs or killing someone in pvp. It has a pretty steep mana cost, 350 per cast but it’s well worth it. Max it!
-Stamina Leakage-
Debuff that decreases enemies SP over 30 seconds.
Not much to say about this skill, never used it and probably never will. No doubt it can be useful but not useful enough for me to spend skill points on it.
*Combat Skills:
Heals 300 hp + your wis x2, with a 2 second cast, at lvl 3.
Seriously, need I say more?
-Magic Protector-
Lets you completely ignore 4 magic attacks or till duration runs out after 1 minute, at lvl 3.
Its a nice skill, but you should have enough wis, that magic shouldn’t hurt you much. No need to get this skill on normal mode but at hard mode, if you have the spare points, you can get it. It’s not a waist but it’s not a "must have" skill.
-Instant Heal-
Heals 255 hp + wis x2, with no cast time and 30 second cool down, at lvl 2.
If you get lvl 54, it heals 712 hp + wis x2, at lvl 3.
This skill rox, saved so many lives, get it!
Here’s a tip, Instant Heal + Potential Motive = Instant heal spamming.
-Hail Storm-
This is the only instant cast AoE spell that a healer has. It doesn’t do great damage but can still be a useful skill, on certain occasions. It has a 30 second cool down, so it can only be spammed, if you’re on potential motive. You can get it if you want you probably wont’ use it often. It’s nice to use, if you’re tanking mobs and want to hold aggro.
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-Mana Slug-
Requires you to melee attack someone, in order to gain some mana, 700 mp at lvl 1.
Some people love this skill others will never use it. Only time it’s really worth having, is if you need mp badly and all your potions are on cool down. Even then, it’s not going to make a huge difference. Some people think that this skill is great, at low lvl, but once you lvl up a bit higher, you really don’t run into many mana problems. 1 on 1 fights are usually the only time people use this skill.
-Healing Fall-
An instant cast, heals 678 points over 18 seconds, for all party members in range, at lvl 3. It can theoretically heal 4746 points among 7 party members.
It’s not a bad skill but I can’t say it’s my favorite skill. I would only get it, if you have points to spare. If used properly, it can really help save the lives of your party but chances are, it won’t be enough. It’s bit more useful, if combined with the hard mode skill called Blank it can be a nice last resort. I typically use it when I my heals are getting interrupted and my party need heals badly. Beware though, mana cost is a bit steep, 830 mana per cast.
The main benefit this skill has over other AoEs is that is lows down your targets. True, that doesn’t really matter in pve but in pvp it can be used to slow down multiple people charging you.
This is probably the best looking skill that healers have. It’s a decent AoE, has 2 second cast time, deals higher damage than Hail Storm and deals slightly less damage than Elemental Shock. If you don’t’ plan on pvping, I’d get Elemental Shock, if you do, I’d go with Blizzard.
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-Healing Prayer-
Heals 712 hp + wis x2 with a 2.5 second cast, at lvl 2.
If you plan on getting lvl 57, then it heals 972 points, at lvl 3.
Definitely a must get skill, you’re a healer, this is what you’re all about!
*HM* -Blank-
A hard mode skill that is basically a stronger version of Healing Fall. It has no description so I can’t really tell you much about the skill, except it heals a lot more than Healing Fall and costs a lot more mana.
*Special Skills:
-Aura of Peace-
A buff that lasts 30 minutes and adds 850 hp, at lvl 3.
Are you kidding me, GET THIS!
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Lets you resurrect a dead player.
Get this!
The lvl 1 resurrection does not allow you to resurrect ultimate mode players, so get at least lvl 2 resurrection!
A buff that increases your parties Str, Wis and Rec by 40, at lvl 3, for 10 minutes.
You’d be stupid not to get this, GET IT!
80% chance of putting an enemy to sleep for 8 seconds, at lvl 1.
I don’t think you need to go past lvl 1 on this skill. It’s a useful skill and higher lvl of it only adds to sleep duration. Get whatever lvl you want, but I think lvl 1 is enough. It’s a nice skill to use, if you need to either gain some ground, running away form someone or help your party catch up to someone. You do not need this skill, if you are normal mode, since you won’t be pvping.
-Potential Motive-
A passive skill.
If your health points go below 25%, any skills you have, with a cool down of less than 500 seconds, will have no cool down; at skill lvl 3.
You may not understand how useful this skill is, but I can assure you, this is going to save you and your parties lives so many times. You can use it to spam instant heal. Must max this skill.
*can only be activated every 3 minutes.
-Health Assistant-
Lets you take damage to your mana instead of your hp, till mana runs out or till duration ends, after 1 minute, at lvl 2.
At lvl 3 it consumes your mana and your stamina, before consuming your hp.
You must get this skill, it will save your life time and time again. Get at least lvl 2.
-Magic Mirror-
Reflects magic damage back to whoever dealt it, for 8 seconds, at lvl 1.
8 seconds is really a short amount of time. Skill costs a lot of skill points, 7 for first lvl. I’m sure this skill could be put to good use but I personally think it’s a waist of skill points. I’m mentioning it here because it’s not completely useless but not I’d recommend getting unless you have a lot of points to spare.
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*HM* -Recovery-
Heals 3164 + wis x2 with 1.5 cast time, 30 second cool down, at lvl 3.
This is a hard mode skill and it rocks your socks! fr
Dagger vs Staff
Hands down, daggers are the casters weapon of choice over staffs.
Staffs have slower attack rate, which results in a longer delay between casts which results in less casts over time.
I’ll try to make it graphical for you.
With a staff:
cast….cast….cast….cast….cast….cast….cast….cast = 8 casts
With a dagger:
cast..cast..cast..cast..cast..cast..cast..cast..cast..cast = 10 casts
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Staffs have slightly more attack power and may have slightly better caster stats but in the long run, daggers will do more damage and heal more. free to play mmorpgs
Credits go to JesusNoob for putting this together!
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